My divided city

I have oftentimes mentioned in my blogposts that I've been a North Miami resident for nearly 19 years. Although I was not raised in the northern part of Miami-Dade County, my husband and I have raised our children here and formed a life here.However, each day it gets tougher to live in such a divided neighborhood after all, my country is divided enough, I don't need the stress of dealing with it on a local level. But unfortunately, it is true and very disconcerting.I've worked hard to support my community, volunteering at our downtown anchor spot MOCA, dining locally at Flip Burger Bar, dropping in at Billy's Pub Too on a regular basis and enrolling my children in swimming lessons and at the local camps. But all these efforts seem to make no impact.I hope to one day live in a united city where government officials can come to decisions at town hall meetings without a shouting match erupting. Seems like we've arrived at another impasse with talks of a secession. How unfortunate that we can't resolve our issues calmly and rationally, like people who truly care about making theirs a winning city where folks want to reside.If you ask me, that day can't come soon enough.


Fashionistas filled The District Factory


All that hard work only to be shot down